SciCrop® AgroAPI

The tool to connect to digital agriculture (since 2017-May-02)

SciCrop® AgroAPI, allows its users to connect with SciCrop® system, which offers an integrated platform of Smart Farming that collects and analyzes real time data of climate , soil, farming, pests and diseases , logistics, and market.

SciCrop® AgroAPI is also a result of our commitment with open-source and open standards. Every product and solution of SciCrop is connected with AgroAPI (that is also a product itself). AgroAPI allow us and our customers connect and exchange with all types of data related with agriculture.

SciCrop® AgroAPI is already integrated with MyJohnDeere API, Amazon EC2, S3, GoogleCloud Compute Engine & Vision API, MapBox, SAP Hana, ClimaTempo API, GlobalStar's satellites communication back-end, ready for ESRI ArcGIS Online among others. It also supports Google Single Sign-on authentication, JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication standard and OpenPGP signature/encryption. has also support and documentation to be used with Java, C#, Python, Node.js and PHP.

Key MD5 Usage Type
scicrop_jwt_rsa1024_public_key.der a7f53d50263f5edd8bbf3827010feb89 JWT RSA 1024
scicrop_openpgp_rsa1024_public_key.dat e687be8b2b7d46e8f0361fa59eef5b03 OpenPGP RSA 1024